Social media, event planning, connection to your larger community
Are you looking to create a wider network? You are looking to attract specific people to support your cause or live at your community. I can help you identify your audience and design a strategy plan that meets your outreach. Read "Steps" below.
Also visit my qualifications to see what work I have done.

To a Successesful Outreach Venture
Here are some examples of how we can work together:
Attracting your Audience:
Looking towards your clear mission and vision we can align who you want to buy your products, intern/ become employed at your business, live in your community, or attend your events
Once we have identified key characteristics and demographics we can create a story that will attract your audience to your cause
Creating a strategy plan:
Using our new story we can strategize around what content needs to be created and
what events we would like to produce appeal to select people and funnel them into your projects